My Favourite book

HELLO people of the world

I am INA and today I will be shareing my favourite book and character so enjoy :D. My favourite book is….

HARRY POTTER (and the chamber of secrets)

its amazing  because I like the mystery of who opened the chamber and another mystery is that is harry the heir of Slytherin of course he wasn’t but it bugged me during the whole movie (I wachted the movies before the books) and when dad said we could watch the rest tomorrow and but I kept watching the movie but I still loved reading the book. I also got my now favourite animal from the books


but my favourite character is

Luna lovegood

who is your favourite harry potter charcter?


P.s sorry for spelling mistakes I am bad at spelling😭

4 thoughts on “My Favourite book

  1. Hi Ina, I love the way you described why you like the book. I haven’t read Harry Potter yet but I am keen to read it. See ya soon, Bye!

    1. hello sophiea thank you so much for your coment (I sound like a robot lol) the movies has missed out on alot that happens in the books. I hope this helps! have you wacted the movies? from INA🙃✌️

  2. Hi Ina, Zejm here. I read all the harry potter books and Hermoine and Luna are my favourite characters. Have you read all the books yet? Blog ya later:)

  3. Hi Ina I love harry potter the movies are really cool and i started reading one of the books.
    My fav harry potter character is Hermione.
    Blog ya later Lyla

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