Month: November 2022



Do you have covid or your in lockdown WITH A KID. Does your child need to do there learning welp This is a new program THAT IS FREE. INA will post stuff where you can teach your kids first introduce the poster and when your child has summarised a few times quiz them about which body parts are in te reo maori. How did you know this COMENT NOW ON THIS AD. BLOG YA LATER

πŸ€–or JetπŸŽ’ But πŸ˜„ 🦸 on jetπŸŽ’ But πŸͺ«and 😭 and 😡 But πŸ€– on πŸͺ«= 😴 so ❌😡

HELLO happy or angry of planet bloggers

INA here. I have found the needed emoij’s for this one so I did it. I would have aΒ  robot because if you are flying on your jetpack and its on πŸͺ« and it didn’t give you a warning you would… Lets say: 😡. But if you had a robot on πŸͺ« you won’t 😡 because you won’t fall to your death (unless your on a gaint flying robot) instead you would just go get some more πŸ”‹’s that are not on πŸͺ«. AlsoΒ  I LOVE STAR WARS ANDROIDS!!!!! Would you chose a jetpack?-INA

🐘is 😡 & 🐘&🦍=😭 BUT 🦍 is πŸ™ 4 🐘 2 go 2 a zoo. BUT 🦍 tells 🐘 a πŸ“– About 🦍 πŸ‘Ά BUT 🦍=πŸ‘Ά

Hello Ivan lovers

INA here.Β  Today is another decipher title. This time its our story ponder.

(Q. Why do you think Ivan wants to HELP Ruby?

(A.Β  I think Ivan doesn’t want Ruby to suffer the same fate as him.

(Q. Do you think Ruby wants to go to a zoo?

(A. I think Ruby doesn’t want to go to a zoo and go back to the wild. I think Ivan knows if Ruby goes back to the wild she would be eaten within a week beacuse all of her family had been murdered.

Do you agree with me?-INA

🦸or πŸ™πŸ“šπŸ§  BUT 🦸=βœ… & πŸ™πŸ“šπŸ§ = ❌ also πŸ™πŸ“šπŸ§ =🦹=❌ but then 🦹=😡 🦸=πŸ˜€

Hello counfoused peeps

INA here. From now on I will do a decipher the tittle. Anyway I would fly because if you could read minds you would might ruin your own life

Example 1. You see yo bestie and read here mind. In her mind she calls you ugly and never wanted to be yo bestie.

Example 2. You find a good bestie and its almost your birthday yo new bestie plans a surpise party for yo. You read her mind and feel bad.


What is the hardest thing???

Hello my child friends

INA here. The hardest thing about being a kid is that adults don’t listen to you. Two examples

example 1. I told my mum I don’t want my name writen like this: Ina. I wanted it written like this: INA but she still writes my name in lower case

example 2. I say to my mum I’m scared of highets but my mum said one day we should climb the sky tower to the top (which has a glass floor)

Do you agree with me?-INA

🦍🐘 ?


INA here. Two posts on one day? You are LUCKY. But Lets start with the ponder.

Q. What do you think a good zoo will have?

A. Lots of space, friends, food, love, AND NO CAGES

Q. do you think Ivan, Ella, and Ruby should live in a zoo

A. Yes like the one I described It would be fun. But they would be able to see each other so mabye let them back in the wild?

What do you think?-INA

Are you a good friend??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Hello friends of the universe

INA here. I do think I’m a good friend BUT sometimes I annoy my friends. I can be a better friend by not being so childish. I think Everyone is not a perfect friend. Friends fight and thats okay (I had a fight with my b.f.f.a.e (best friend forever and ever) over who would get the soccer ball I lost but it was okay.) When you fight with your friend you are diagree on ideas which can be a good thing. You learn that they are not the some person as you. But if they don’t share their they feel like your left out. Do you agree with me?-INA